Blessing Your Illness

...fall asleep...I'm by your side...

...I take your calm...

Fall asleep...I take away your breath

And your decay's inside of me

Close your eyes...

...for these sweet dreams

For a pain inside of you

Close your eyes...

Whether there morning will come?

Please, don't care

Close your eyes...

Take away from your grave

Let me dress your Funeralia

Close your eyes...

Allow me to not wake up... (instead of you)

...and bless your illness...

Crossing your cold hands

Filling you with an old age

Crossing your pierced palms

I flow in you with disease

In heart's beat there's a sense to believe

I'm here...I die with you

In a hope...dissolving me (in oblivion)

Blessing you...and away from these days

I'm here...give me your last breath

Stretch your hands to me

Let your tears wash the hopelessness

With farewell groan to exhale my name